Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shoppa Doopa..

Raya is coming..its a normal malaysian phenomenon..all the muslims getting prepared being rushed to attacking the MALL..while the shop discount going crazy with the everywhere..from 10% - 70%..totally a bizarre!!im not included to join with is my to spends money on a new Shirts,Pants, n Shoes..that is a must..a MUST Monthly Activities after got paid..haha..while HARI RAYA IS AROUND THE,myself and i accompany by my BONAMANA ( FIFILISSHAL FORSHIZZZAL ) take a quick ride to the MALL..finding some BAJU RAYA after already booking a new BAJU MELAYU..huhu..Have A Happy Ramadhan Everyone..=)

* My Ucuk iz Tiring Shopping..Juz Look At Her On The Picture Featured..haha..=p

HVDC GURUN CONVERTER STATION we i am..and this is it..this is my im moving forward at it..never turning back..start a new life.. a new we go..let me introduce u what is HVDC GURUN CONVERTER STATION is a DIRECT CURRENT CONVERTER STATION ( DC SUPPLY ) FROM ALTERNATING CURRENT (AC SUPPLY ) CONVERT TO HIGH VOLTAGE DC AT 300MW/600MW EXPORTING TO KHLONG NGAE STATION AT THAILAND SIDE..,my job is to monitor the lines and the system that TNB exported to EGAT..thats SSO job are..huhu..pretty bored sometimes..but the people and the BOSS is very kind tolerant,very close with the workers..nice to be on this healthy environment work pressure..very relax monitoring..having a few joke with the other workers..started to love the place at my positive side..

Intro Neo

Counting days..getting jealous with friends...buying a car..throttle up the paddle..moving and travelling with no worries about getting wet by the sitting on my favourite sofa at my rent houze..take a time to relaxing and started to idea came..its about collecting my future life asset that i am dreaming when i was a kid..1st..i want to have a motorcycle..i already have it..tick,i want to have a proper job..tick..done already,i want to buy a focusing on the title..slowly take a time to think on my month salary..minus all the daily eating budget,montly spends for shopping,cell phones creadits,my mom...i think i afford it..start to survey a affordable car and what car that suitable with my soul and ofcouse my LIFESTYLE OF FENG TAU..huhu..funny right? the same time thinking choosing a number for my future car..whats alphanumber could it be?..introduce..

Playing The Saddest Song For My Saddest Result

Great..all the new technician including me finished our unit rotation...and it comes to suspends after getting to know the permanently unit result..waiting..after waiting..finally,the naked truth day revealed..announced by the assistant of the PENGURUS WILAYAH UTARA..,keeping sliding hands hoping that the result is just what i am expected..guest what..the 1st name announced is me...position..SWITCHING STATION OPERATION...damn!!its hard to believe it..frustrated with the post..seriusly..shaking my head my minds..imagine get move out to GURUN HVDC CONVERTER STATION..almost 68km from Perda..thats my rent houze are...working in SHIFT hour..8 hours...chaotic thinking..working under pressure with a sad heart..a hope iz just a hope..never dare to dream up..